December 2012

In the Courts:

  • Nationwide food distribution company reportedly agrees in December 2012 to pay $3.53 million in allegedly unpaid employee benefits to settle proposed class action lawsuit by drivers delivering bakery goods in Connecticut and Massachusetts. Bimbo Foods Bakeries Distribution, owner and distributor of Sara Lee, Entenmann’s, and Thomas’ baked goods, allegedly misclassified its drivers in those states as independent contractors, who claimed they had been misclassified and were entitled to health insurance and paid time off benefits available to employees. Two other class action-type lawsuits are pending against the company, one in Pennsylvania and the other in Illinois. Ahlquist v. Bimbo Foods Bakeries Distribution Inc., No. 3:12-cv-01272 (D. Conn. 2012).

On the Legislative Front:

Regulatory and Enforcement Initiatives:

Other Newsworthy Matters

Click here to see November 2012 IC Misclassification News, including a detailed prognosis of the next four years of anticipated regulatory initiatives under President Obama and anticipated Congressional action involving IC compliance and misclassification (“Obama 2.0 and Independent Contractor Misclassification“)

Your comments are appreciated.  Send them to iccompliancelegalblog@gmail

Written by Richard Reibstein.

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