As a regular subscriber to various alerts involving misclassification of employees as independent contractors, I see on a daily basis an array of articles by lawyers warning businesses of impending doom if they continue to use independent contractors. Consultants match these with advertisements and postings offering quick and guaranteed solutions to the misclassification dilemma. As is often the case, the answer lies somewhere in between.
No federal laws prohibit the use of independent contractors and only a few states limit their use. Therefore, there is no need for most companies to follow the ultra-conservative approach of discontinuing their use of non-employee contingent workers and reclassifying all 1099ers as W-2 employees – especially if your business structure relies in whole or in part on a contingent workforce. Reclassification of some or all of your 1099ers into W-2 employees, however, is one option that some companies may wish to consider among a range of alternatives, depending on a host of valid business and legal considerations. Some of the other alternatives available to companies include bona fide restructuring and employee leasing.